Red & sweet goodness

Red & sweet goodness
Fresh, handpicked strawberries

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Back to Finland

I arrived in Finland a couple of days ago after being away for ten months or so. I spent my first night in a hotel in Helsinki, as there would still be a five-hour bus ride before I would reach home in Eastern Finland. To my surprise, I felt hungry even though I had been awake for more than 24 hours, so I decided to see what the hotel restaurant had to offer. Only three vegetarian choices, but that's to be expected in this country.

I had the funnel chantarelle soup, which was quite superb, along with great tasting (finally!) dark bread. I also decided to order a cider, which is awesome here, only it turned out to be almost the same price as my soup! Yikes! Unfortunately eating out is not cheap here. At least the cider was excellent, so paying up wasn't so awful after all.

One thing is for sure, though: I must find out how to get these mushrooms in California and make the soup myself when I am not in Finland!

Thanks for reading!

All the best,

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