Red & sweet goodness

Red & sweet goodness
Fresh, handpicked strawberries

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year - Old Resolutions?

I bet most of us have at least once made a new year's resolution that has to do with food. Usually people promise themselves they will lose weight and eat healthier, but unfortunately, the same people are often making the same resolution again the next year. How about this year we make the resolution : "I will not gain the weight back"?

I have been on a diet many times but each time some of the weight has crept back in very soon after letting go of the diet. This is the central dilemma of dieting and in fact, I think there should be no diet at all!

What I mean by this, is that short term diets do not work. They only create a yo-yo effect, which is not what the goal of losing weight is. I'm sure it doesn't come as a surprise, but permanent weight loss means introducing good habits and letting go of bad ones: having desserts only on, say Saturday, or making a point to have fruit and vegetables at every meal of the day. I know it's not necessarily easy, but it is possible!

A few ideas where to begin a permanent change to help you keep the pounds away:

- eat more for lunch than dinner
- have some fruit and veggies at every meal
- ditch bread and pasta made of white flour and bring in whole wheat
- snack on fruit and nuts instead of chips and chocolate (dark is OK :) )
- eat in peace and sit down to eat

There are many more things you can do and I'm sure you have ideas too. Leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you!

I wish you all strong self-discipline and tons of success for the new year and all the ones after.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Thank God dark chocolate is approved - hard to live without any chocolate at all :P
