Red & sweet goodness

Red & sweet goodness
Fresh, handpicked strawberries

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Blueberries have often been said to be a superfood because of their plentiful antioxidants. Indeed, blueberries do have loads of antioxidants that have numerous positive health effects on the body. World's Healthiest Foods -website has compiled an impressive list of those health effects, including cardiovascular benefits, positive impact on blood sugar and eyesight, improved memory and anti-cancer effects. The health effects were reached after eating 2 cups of blueberries daily, but I believe that eating blueberries every now and then will also benefit your body. In addition, blueberries contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential to the body.

I am a big fan of blueberries because they are a delicious way to eat healthy. My favorite way to enjoy blueberries is to eat them straight out of the shrub in the forest, but as that is possible for me only in Finland in August, I like to add store bought ones to oatmeal or a smoothie.

Health effects and taste aside, my favorite thing about blueberries is how they color my teeth, lips and fingers red and blue! Unfortunately, this quality is not found in the blueberries that are sold in stores in America, which might be a good thing in the end...

Since blueberries are really delicious and very healthy, why don't you try having some fresh blueberries as a snack every now and then? These little rascals sure enjoyed theirs!

I hope you enjoyed the blog,


Nutritional information: 14.5 g carbohydrates, 0.7 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 2.4 g fiber, 57 kcal / 100 g (1 cup is about 150g).

Nutritional information: Nutrient database
Health benefits: World's Healthiest Foods

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